Critique Of IAPT On BBC TV

On CBT Watch (an Independent Mental Health Watchdog & Discussion Forum), Dr. Mike Scott writes concerning IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies), which has now been renamed ‘NHS Talking Therapies’):

“here is my 5 minute interview with BBC TV,

the main points are:

  • only the tip of the iceberg of those attending IAPT fully recover this contrasts with the Organisations claim of a 50% recovery rate
  • IAPT has only ever marked its’ own homework, despite over £3 billion being spent on it in the last decade. There has been no independent assessment of outcome, of the quality that would be expected were the effectiveness of a drug was being evaluated
  • IAPT fails to effectively engage and treat people. The IAPT Annual Report (2018)/2019] see link below, reveals that a third (31.2%) of new referrals drop out before treatment and approximately two thirds (61.1%) do not complete a course of treatment (using IAPT’s liberal definition of treatment as attending 2 or more session) with almost a third (29.54 %)  attending only one treatment session. …”

You can read more from here.

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