Pluralistic Practice: The Inventory of Preferences: An International Evaluation

This blog-post from Prof. Mick Cooper has been published on the website of Pluralistic Practice. It begins:

“Over the past few years, a team of us have been working together to bring together all the datasets on the Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP). The tool was developed by John Norcross and myself to support the assessment of clients’ preferences for therapy–a key part of pluralistic practice. The C-NIP consists of 18 ‘bipolar’ items scored on seven-point scales ranging from 3 (strong preference in one direction) to −3 (strong preference in the opposite direction), with 0 indicating no or equal preference. There are four scales measuring preference for (a) therapist directiveness versus client directiveness, (b) emotional intensity versus emotional reserve, (c) past orientation versus present orientation, and (d) warm support versus focused challenge. The measure also contains several open-ended items regarding clients other preferences (e.g., therapists’ gender, theoretical orientation, and length of therapy). The measure has been translated into over ten different languages now and is freely available at , where there’s also an option of completing an extended version online.

Our project was led by Tomáš Řiháček at Masaryk University, Brno, with Hynek Cígler, Gina di Malta, and Zhuang She also involved, along with John and myself. We wanted to see if the measure was consistent across different countries, and also whether the different scales would stand up to rigorous statistical analysis. In particular, as a measure, it is important that the scales are consistent across different items, indicating that the scales are robustly measuring the dimensions they are supposed to …”

You can read more – and find a link to the published paper – from here.

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