Mick Cooper

The Impact of Relational Depth on Subjective Well-being in Close Relationships in the Community

This study from Gina Di Malta, Julian Bond, Brett Raymond-Barker, Naomi Moller, and Mick Cooper has been published in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. The abstract says: “Relational depth (RD)—moments of profound connection and engagement between two people—is a humanistic–existential construct,…
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What’s it like to set up a Mental Health Political Party?

The producers (From Therapy to Social Change) of this podcast say: “Dr Ben Mullings, counselling psychologist, has been a fierce advocate for mental health reform in Australia. In this podcast dialogue, Ben describes his journey of establishing the Alliance for Better…
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Dissatisfied dropout from school-based humanistic counselling: A theory-building case series

This research paper from Emily Pattison and Mick Cooper has been published by Counselling & Psychotherapy Research. The abstract says: “Introduction Dissatisfied dropout costs services financially and impacts client well-being. Research is limited on reasons for dissatisfied dropout in adolescents. Preliminary research…
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Pluralistic Practice: The Inventory of Preferences: An International Evaluation

This blog-post from Prof. Mick Cooper has been published on the website of Pluralistic Practice. It begins: “Over the past few years, a team of us have been working together to bring together all the datasets on the  Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) . The…
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The impact of a needs-based model of care on accessibility and quality of care within children’s mental health services: A qualitative investigation of the UK i-THRIVE Programme

THRIVE  is a person-centred model of mental health support for children and young people which focuses on the needs and preferences of the clients and their families. This research article – published in Child: Health, Care and Development – comes from Joanna Farr,…
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Personalizing Psychotherapy: Assessing and Accommodating Patient Preferences

This book has been written by John Norcross and Mick Cooper. The publishers say: “Blending empirical research and clinical expertise into easy-to-read advice, Drs. John Norcross and Mick Cooper offer multiple strategies for routinely assessing preferences as they evolve over the…
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Integrating Counselling & Psychotherapy: Directionality, Synergy and Social Change

Written by Prof. Mick Cooper, this book has just arrived (March 2019). Sage Publications say: “How can therapists integrate theories and practices from across the psychological therapies? This book presents a framework for understanding distress and change that can unite different orientations,…
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Essential Research Findings in Child & Adolescent Counselling and Psychotherapy

What can child and adolescent counsellors and therapists learn from research? What evidence is there for the effectiveness of different therapies and techniques? How can developmental or neuroscience research inform or inspire therapeutic work with young people? Edited by Nick…
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