Critical New Perspectives on ADHD

“In a world where moves to educational inclusion are paradoxically paralleled by the ever-increasing use of medication to control children’s behaviour, this book scrutinises current accepted practice and offers alternative perspectives and strategies for teachers and other education professionals.”

This book has been edited by Gwynedd Lloyd, Joan Stead and David Cohen.

The publishers say:

“Experts from all over the world take a critical, highly international and often controversial perspective on the ADHD phenomenon – a condition that has reached global proportions, significantly affecting the lives of children, parents and teachers worldwide. This book raises a number of concerns often not covered by the material currently available to parents and practitioners.

Critical New Perspectives on ADHD unpicks the myths surrounding the development of this phenomenon and leaves no stone unturned in its search for answers. An in-depth exploration into the reasons for the emergence and maintenance of ADHD lead to suggested explanations of the dominance of US psychiatric models and the need for new markets for major pharmaceutical companies, as well as the functions that ADHD diagnoses fulfil in families, classrooms and communities.

In a world where moves to educational inclusion are paradoxically paralleled by the ever-increasing use of medication to control children’s behaviour, this book scrutinises current accepted practice and offers alternative perspectives and strategies for teachers and other education professionals. This in an invaluable resource for anyone with a serious interest in ADHD and other behavioural difficulties …”

You can see a Table of Contents and find out more from here.

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