The Value of Systems and Complexity Sciences for Healthcare

This book, edited by Prof. Joachim P. Sturmberg, is based on the proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Systems and Complexity for Healthcare. The publishers say:

“This visionary reframing of health and healthcare uses a complexity science approach to building healthcare systems that are accessible, effective, and prepared for change and challenges.

Its holistic map for understanding the human organism emphasizes the interconnectedness of the individual’s physical, psychological, cognitive, and sociocultural functioning.

Applications of this approach are described in primary, specialist, and emergency care and at the organisational and policy levels, from translating findings to practice, to problem solving and evaluation.

In this model, the differences between disease and illness and treating illness and restoring health are not mere wordplay, but instead are robust concepts reflecting real-world issues and their solutions …”

You can find out more here, including a preview of the book’s first and last chapters as authored by Prof. Sturmberg:

  • Returning to Holism: An Imperative for the Twenty-First Century
  • If the Facts Don’t Fit the Theory, Change the Theory”: Implications for Health System Reform
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