Sanah Ahsan

Are women really more mentally ill than men? As a psychologist, I’m not so sure

“Women are disproportionately diagnosed with mental problems. But what if the crisis is one not of chemical imbalances, but power imbalances?” This article by Sanah Ahsan has been published in The Guardian. It begins: “In the UK, being a woman means…
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I’m a psychologist – and I believe we’ve been told devastating lies about mental health

“Society’s understanding of mental health issues locates the problem inside the person – and ignores the politics of their distress” This opinion piece by Sanah Ahsan has been published in The Guardian. It begins: “We are living, we’re told, through a  ‘mental health crisis’ ….
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Young, British and Depressed

In July of this year (2019) a TV broadcast titled “Young, British and Depressed” was screened on Channel 4 in the UK. It was produced by Dispatches, an investigative current affairs programme. In the broadcast, reporter Sanah Ahsan explores Britain’s youth depression crisis, to…
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