chemical imbalance theory

Beyond the Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression: An Interview with Prof. Joanna Moncrieff

This interview , conducted by Justin Garson, has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “KEY POINTS In 2022, a large review led by Joanna Moncrieff showed the ‘serotonin theory of depression’ to be groundless. Her review puts into question our…
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A Neuroscientist Evaluates the Standard Biological Model of Depression

This  research article  by Peter Sterling (Professor of Neuroscience) has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “Abstract Neuroscientists widely hypothesize that ‘depression’ arises from a brain disorder caused by some defect in a specific neural pathway. If so, we might identify…
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Framing Depression as a Functional Signal Rather than a Disease Promotes Hope and Reduces Stigma, Study Finds

This report from Julia Lejeune has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “New research reveals that individuals seeking depression treatment may benefit from an explanation of depression as serving an important human function, as opposed to a disease arising…
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Response to Criticism of Our Serotonin Paper

This article by Joanna Moncrieff and Mark Horowitz has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “We recently published a  paper  finding that the serotonin hypothesis of depression (the idea that depression is caused by low serotonin or reduced serotonin activity)…
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After skool: Mark Horowitz – common misconceptions about depression & antidepressants

Dr. Mark Horowitz is a training psychiatrist and Clinical Research Fellow in Psychiatry at North East London NHS Foundation Trust. He has a doctorate in the neurobiology of depression and the action of antidepressants from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s…
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Are women really more mentally ill than men? As a psychologist, I’m not so sure

“Women are disproportionately diagnosed with mental problems. But what if the crisis is one not of chemical imbalances, but power imbalances?” This article by Sanah Ahsan has been published in The Guardian. It begins: “In the UK, being a woman means…
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Psychiatry’s Cycle of Ignorance and Reinvention: An Interview with Owen Whooley

Ayurdhi Dhar has interviewed sociologist Prof. Owen Whooley – author of On the Heels of Ignorance : Psychiatry and the Politics of Not Knowing – about psychiatry’s stubborn perseverance in the face of recent DSM embarrassments and the failures of the biomedical model. The interview…
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