Scott Miller

Beyond Best Practice: How Mental Health Services Can Be Better

“… massive amounts of time and energy are spent defining the scope of clinical practice and standardizing service delivery. Despite our best intentions … rules ultimately replace our client’s reality. Defining their problems, and regulating the methods used to treat…
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Psychotherapy’s Missing Link – “Why Don’t the Majority of People Who Could Benefit from Seeing a Therapist Go?”

The video below is of an address by Dr. Scott Miller to the “Evolution of Psychotherapy 2017” conference. It’s a long video (1 hour), but very well worth watching for some very challenging facts, figures and ideas concerning not just…
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Time for a New Paradigm? Psychotherapy Outcomes Stagnant for 40 years

Dr. Scott Miller “You’ve heard it said before. Flying is the safest form of transportation. Facts back up the claim. In fact, it’s not even close. In terms of distance traveled, the fatality rate per billion kilometers is .003, improving…
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