Exercise that could beat depression revealed by scientists and may be prescribed by GPs

Martin Bagot reports for The Mirror:

“Just one yoga session a week can tackle depression symptoms and could be prescribed by GPs, scientists say.

The clinical trial, involving 80 adults with moderate-to-severe depression, found 44 percent of those in the yoga groups achieved lowered symptom scores so that their depression was considered in remission. Participants were split into two groups, one of whom were offered the traditional exercise performed under hot and humid conditions. The other half were told they were on a ‘waiting list’.

So-called ‘hot yoga’ – favoured by celebrities including Meghan Markle and Drew Barrymore – seeks to replicate the heat and humidity of India, where forms of yoga originated. Study lead Dr Maren Nyer, of Harvard Medical School in the US, said: ‘Yoga and heat-based interventions could potentially change the course for treatment for patients with depression by providing a non-medication-based approach with additional physical benefits as a bonus.’ …”

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