
The Psychiatrist Who Warned Us That Donald Trump Would Unleash Violence Was Absolutely Right

“‘There is typically a developmental arrest caused by early trauma or abandonment,’ Lee says. ‘As adults, they still act like children in the playground; convinced that might makes right, they often can’t stop bullying others.’ “ This article by Joshua Kendall has…
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Theoretical Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model of Mental Disorder Labeling: Contemporary Frameworks, Taxonomies, and Models

This book has been edited by Arnoldo Cantú, Eric Maisel, and Chuck Ruby. The publishers (Ethics International Press) say: “Theoretical Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model of Mental Disorder Labeling is the fourth Volume of the Ethics International Press Critical Psychology and…
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Seven reasons why most Major Depression is probably not a brain disorder

This article by Ed Hagen has been published on the Grasshoppermouse website. It begins: “Virtually all mental health researchers accept that Major Depression (MD) is a mental disorder, i.e., a brain dysfunction. I argue that this widespread belief should instead be…
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Searching for the “Psychiatric Yeti”: Schizophrenia Is Not Genetic

This report by Peter Simons has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “The decades-long attempt to locate the gene or genes for schizophrenia has failed, according to  a new article in Psychiat r ic Research  by prominent schizophrenia researcher E. Fuller Torrey. In the article, Torrey reviews…
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Saving psychiatry from itself: will young psychiatrists choose authoritarian power or authoritative respect?

This editorial comment from John Read appears in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. It begins: “In their important paper, ‘Images of psychiatry and psychiatrists’, Stuart et al.  1  document the negative beliefs about psychiatrists and psychiatric treatments held by other medical disciplines in 15…
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Antidepressant withdrawal should be taken seriously – we’re investigating ways to help people come off the pills

This article from Mark Horowitz, Joanna Moncrieff and Katharine Wallis has been published by The Conversation. It begins: “Misinformation about antidepressants  is rife  and is probably fuelling their rise in use. Chief among these false ideas are: Antidepressant withdrawal effects are mild and…
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Psychiatry overwhelmed by referrals for ‘normal emotions’

Helen McArdle reports for The Herald newspaper: “Acute mental  health  services are becoming overwhelmed by referrals for people with ‘normal negative human emotions’”‘ who may actually be harmed by treatment, a leading psychiatrist has said. In an interview with the Herald Dr…
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Rapid Response: No good argument for treating mild depression with antidepressants

A response – published in the British Medical Journal – to the argument put forward by Jauhar et al who support the current scale of antidepressant prescribing, including for mild conditions, and for those provoked by social and economic conditions:…
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Overdiagnosis in Psychiatry: How Modern Psychiatry Lost Its Way While Creating a Diagnosis for Almost All of Life’s Misfortunes

This book comes from Joel Paris. The publishers say: “Dr. Joel Paris’s Overdiagnosis in Psychiatry takes a much-needed look at the dangerous epidemic of unnecessary or incorrect treatments. The last 30 years of psychiatry have seen the development of a system of classification…
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