music therapy

We launched a study of music and song writing with people who hear voices that others don’t. … I want to share some quotes from our participants…

During COVID we launched a study of music and song writing with people who hear voices that others don’t. It is sponsored by NIMH and Kennedy Center. I want to share some quotes from our participants…🧵— Phil Corlett (@PhilCorlett1) March 22, 2023 You…
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The Top 10 Psychedelic Science Studies Of 2022

This article by Zeus Tipado has been published by HealingMaps. It begins: “Before you can assemble a list of the top ten greatest psychedelic science studies of 2022, you must first read every psychedelic study of 2022. I cannot stress enough…
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A Prescription for Music Lessons

This studies review from Dr. Debra Shipman has been published by Federal Practitioner. It concludes: “A healthful lifestyle includes holistically addressing issues pertaining to mental and physical well-being. Learning how to play a musical instrument is a workout for the brain, just…
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“Music often works when words don’t – and we should shout about how crucial it can be to wellbeing”

This article appears on the website of the College of Medicine and Integrated Health. Dr Simon Procter is Director of Music Services for music therapy charity Nordoff Robbins. Here, he explains the social value of music… “For many people who face health problems or…
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How tech could help create ‘music prescriptions’

This 4 minute video comes from the BBC, who say: “Companies are exploring how data could be used to create a so-called prescription playlists of music – perhaps even one day replacing pain-killers or some types of anti-anxiety medication. BBC Click’s…
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Melodies for Mums with Postnatal Depression

The providers of this service (Breathe Arts Health Research) say: “ Melodies for Mums is a ground-breaking singing service for mothers with postnatal depression. Experience the joy of group singing and music-making to help improve health and emotional wellbeing. Join one of our FREE…
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Let’s rework our approach with ‘angry young people’

Prof. Katrina Skewes McFerran writes: “It’s an incredible feeling to connect in a meaningful way with angry young people who feel excluded, rejected and unhappy. My profession, music therapy, uses music to forge those connections, whether by drumming together as…
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The role of group singing … to promote mental health recovery

From the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy and their abstract of research concerning “Musical recovery: the role of group singing in regaining healthy relationships with music to promote mental health recovery”: “Music therapy has previously been identified as a way to foster processes of mental…
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