a coherent system

Letter of Resignation from the American Psychiatric Association

Dr. Lauren Mosher was clinical professor of psychiatry and an expert on ‘schizophrenia’. For 12 years he was chief of the Center for Studies of Schizophrenia in the (American) National Institute of Mental Health. He spent his professional career advocating…
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ECT is a classic failure of evidence-based medicine

This Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry has hosted a guest-blog by Prof. Richard Bentall, who writes: “In a discipline to which controversy is no stranger, there are few controversies guaranteed to generate as much heat as that surrounding the benefits and costs…
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Losing Our Minds: What Mental Illness Really Is – and What It Isn’t

This book is from psychologist Lucy Foulkes. The publishers say: “Public awareness of mental illness has been transformed in recent years, but our understanding of what it actually is has yet to catch up. Too often, psychiatric disorders are confused with…
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Psychological Formulation as an Alternative to Psychiatric Diagnosis

“… we might be in the very strange position of admitting, as one psychiatrist has pointed out, that psychiatry is ‘something very hard to justify or defend—a medical specialty that does not treat medical illnesses’ …”Dr. Peter Breggin, 1993, p….
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Insane Medicine: How the Mental Health Industry Creates Damaging Treatment Traps and How you can Escape Them

This book has been written by psychiatrist Dr. Sami Timimi. The publishers say: “This book digs through the rotten undergrowth which fertilises the mental health industry. The level of failure and deceit is hard to believe. The diagnoses we use are…
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Twenty-year effects of antipsychotics in schizophrenia and affective psychotic disorders

“This study reports multiple findings that bring into question the use of continuous antipsychotic medications, regardless of diagnosis …” This study by Prof. Martin Harrow, Dr. Thomas Jobe and Dr. Liping Tong has been published in Psychological Medicine. The abstract says:…
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The BBC, Harrow, and a Public Left in the Dark

“Martin Harrow and Thomas Jobe began their study, which was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, in the late 1970s. They enrolled 200 psychotic patients who had been treated conventionally in a mental hospital with antipsychotics and simply…
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