
New Study Finds Depression in Older Adults Could Be Prevented With Sleep Training

This study – “Prevention of Incident and Recurrent Major Depression in Older Adults With Insomnia: A Randomized Clinical Trial” – has been published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. It found that older adults who underwent cognitive therapy for insomnia were 50%…
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‘Safe’ Z-drug sleeping tablets given to MILLIONS each year are as addictive as Valium – and they can cause crushing anxiety, flu-like effects and suicidal thoughts

Reporting for the Daily Mail, Miranda Levy writes : “Zopiclone is the so-called ‘safer’ sleeping pill dished out by doctors to millions of Britons each year.  When it was launched in the 1990s, it was touted as a user-friendly alternative to…
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The Truth About … Improving Your Mental Health

This 57 minute video from the BBC ranges across a variety of subjects, including heartbeat control, diet and the gut-to-brain vagal nerve connection, exercise, passive vs active engagement with social media, loneliness, social prescribing, insomnia and more. The programme producers say:…
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Medicating Normal (a film)

Medicating Normal is a film from Periscope Moving Pictures. A virtual screening will take place on Sat, August 22, 2020 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM BST, followed by an interactive discussion. Details from here . Film synopsis: “Medicating Normal follows the journeys…
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Benzo Free: The World of Anti-Anxiety Drugs and the Reality of Withdrawal

This book has been written by D E Foster: “Do you suffer from anxiety or insomnia? Have you ever taken Xanax to help? What about Klonopin, Ativan, or Valium? Perhaps Ambien or Lunesta? Over 36 million people in the U.S. take…
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The effects of improving sleep on mental health

The full title of this paper – published Sept.  2017 in The Lancet Psychiatry – is “The effects of improving sleep on mental health (OASIS): a randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis”. “Background Sleep difficulties might be a contributory causal factor in the…
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