
Viktor Frankl: The doctor who prescribed the meaning of life to his patients

“Anxious? Dr. Frankl suggested you take a different view of things.” This article by Scotty Hendricks has been published in Freethink. It begins: “Many people struggle with the question of what the meaning of their life is. The dread that can…
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The importance of empathic listening for making meaning of distress

This article by Robert Murphy has been re-published by Mad in the UK. It begins: “Psychiatry has failed to provide a definitive explanatory framework for mental illnesses, despite more than a hundred years of scientific and medical research. Its failure results…
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The Universe, Life and Everything…: Dialogues on our changing understanding of reality

Co-written by Sarah Durston and Ton Baggerman (with other contributors), this book has relevance to the creation of a well-being society and some of the changes in cultural values and perspectives that are needed for this. The publishers say: “Our current…
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There’s More To Life Than Happiness

“I think it’s not just that you pursue a project beyond yourself because it will make you happy, but that you pursue a project beyond yourself because it makes suffering worthwhile. It’s not that you do these things because the…
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Meaning Therapy

From the International Network on Personal Meaning : “Meaning is all we have; relationship is all we need.” “Meaning therapy is a pluralistic approach to counselling and therapy that focuses on the fundamental human needs for meaning and relationship. It is a comprehensive way to…
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What are the constructivist approaches?

The question of subjectivity and the creation of meaning is one of enormous importance to the field of mental health. In this context, consider the following Frequently Asked Question from the website of Constructive Foundations (an interdisciplinary journal): “What are the constructivist approaches?…
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Young People Hearing Voices: What You Need to Know and What You Can Do

This book has been written by Sandra Escher and Marius Romme. The publishers say: “…. a unique, innovative book providing support and practical solutions for the experience of hearing voices. It is in two parts, one part for voice-hearing children, the other…
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Open Dialogue: an alternative Finnish approach to healing psychosis

This 74-minute film – a 3 minute trailer is also available – looks at the Open Dialogue Project  as developed in Finland by Prof. Jaakko Seikkula The film’s maker, Daniel Mackler, says this project is presently [as of 2010 when the film was…
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