collaborative practice

Dissatisfied dropout from school-based humanistic counselling: A theory-building case series

This research paper from Emily Pattison and Mick Cooper has been published by Counselling & Psychotherapy Research. The abstract says: “Introduction Dissatisfied dropout costs services financially and impacts client well-being. Research is limited on reasons for dissatisfied dropout in adolescents. Preliminary research…
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Probiotics for adults with major depressive disorder compared with antidepressants: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

This review has been published in the journal Oxford Academic. The abstract says: “Context: Despite recent advances in antidepressants in treating major depression (MDD), their usage is marred by adverse effects and social stigmas. Probiotics may be an efficacious adjunct or…
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Antidepressant withdrawal should be taken seriously – we’re investigating ways to help people come off the pills

This article from Mark Horowitz, Joanna Moncrieff and Katharine Wallis has been published by The Conversation. It begins: “Misinformation about antidepressants  is rife  and is probably fuelling their rise in use. Chief among these false ideas are: Antidepressant withdrawal effects are mild and…
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Time-dependent effect of antipsychotic discontinuation and dose reduction on social functioning and subjective quality of life–a multilevel meta-analysis

This study has been published in eClinicalMedicine (part of The Lancet Discovery Science) The summary says: “Background Meta-analyses indicate superiority of antipsychotic maintenance treatment over discontinuation within up to 24 months after treatment initiation for patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. In terms…
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Adding Antipsychotics Worsens Outcomes in Psychotic Depression

“Outcomes were worse for all, with young people on combination therapy twice as likely to experience rehospitalization or death by suicide than those on antidepressants alone.“ This report by Peter Simons has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “Antipsychotics…
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Mindfulness as Effective as Antidepressant for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

This report from Richard Sears has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “A new article published in JAMA Psychiatry finds that mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) is as effective in treating anxiety disorders as the antidepressant escitalopram. According to the current…
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Beyond Police and Psychiatrists: Chicago’s Plan to Transform Community Mental Health

“From Jacobin: ‘Police violence and lack of access to essential care services have emerged as twinned hallmarks of American life. In a nation in which people with unmet mental health needs are 16 times more likely to be killed by police,…
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Exercise that could beat depression revealed by scientists and may be prescribed by GPs

Martin Bagot reports for The Mirror: “Just one yoga session a week can tackle depression symptoms and could be prescribed by GPs, scientists say. The clinical trial, involving 80 adults with moderate-to-severe  depression , found 44 percent of those in the  yoga  groups…
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Depression Not So “Treatment-Resistant” After Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

“Researcher finds Intensive Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy reduced depressive symptoms in patients who did not improve with pharmacological treatment.“ This report by Dr. José Giovanni Luiggi-Hernández has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “A recent study published in Psychotherapy suggests that Intensive…
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